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Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club: A Carbon-Neutral Champion

Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club A Carbon-Neutral Champion

Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club has reached a significant milestone by becoming the inaugural carbon-neutral golf facility in the United States, ushering in a new era of sustainability within the realm of sports and leisure. This achievement resulted from a partnership with DigiKerma and using carbon offset credits from CCUS technology.

Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club holds the distinction of being the region’s premier public golf course. Over its four-decade history, it has welcomed golfing icons such as Payne Stewart, Kenny Perry, and Adam Scott. However, in a major step for environmental stewardship, the club neutralized all CO2 emissions from rounds played in 2022.

The decision to attain carbon neutrality was a well-considered one by Lake Michigan Hills. After considering carbon footprint mitigation options, the club chose DigiKerma’s CarbonKerma marketplace for its unmatched transparency and reliability. Unlike most carbon offset providers, CarbonKerma credits provide precise and traceable emissions measurements, complying with strict EPA regulations.

Lake Michigan Hills’ strong assurance allowed them to offset carbon emissions from each golf round. This demonstrates their dedication to environmental sustainability. Moreover, the club’s groundbreaking initiative is set to establish a precedent for sporting and entertainment events worldwide. It promotes adopting CCUS technology, an essential element in realizing the objectives outlined in the Paris Climate Accord.

Irfan Ali, the Founder and CEO of DigiKerma, commended Lake Michigan Hills’ dedication to sustainability:

“CarbonKerma’s unique CCUS-based offset marketplace brings an unprecedented level of measurability and transparency to voluntary carbon offsets, which we hope will restore confidence in markets that have been plagued by low quality and a lack of trust. This decision by Lake Michigan Hills demonstrates their confidence in the integrity of our credits and they are to be applauded for their pioneering spirit. Hopefully, this sets an example for other sporting clubs and events that offsetting properly–through high-quality credits–can play a significant role in achieving our Paris targets.”

With this accomplishment, Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club joins the ranks of just two golf clubs worldwide, offering carbon-neutral golf experiences alongside Singapore’s Sentosa Golf Club. This milestone underscores DigiKerma’s growing reputation as a blockchain-based carbon offset marketplace. Furthermore, the platform for its commitment to maintaining the integrity of carbon offsets across various sectors with challenging-to-reduce emissions.

As Lake Michigan Hills Golf Club continues to establish new benchmarks in environmental sustainability, it serves as a beacon of inspiration for the broader sports and entertainment industry, motivating others to take substantial measures toward a more eco-friendly future.

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