Twitter soars with ‘X’: Elon Musk unveils bold new logo!

Twitter soars with ‘X’: Elon Musk unveils bold new logo!

Twitter, the popular social media platform known for its iconic bird logo, has undergone a major transformation. In a bold move, Twitter’s CEO, Elon Musk, revealed the platform’s new official logo: the letter ‘X’.

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX, announced the logo change over the weekend. Notably, the domain ‘’ now redirects to ‘’, solidifying the shift towards the ‘X’ emblem. Musk referred to the new logo as “interim,” implying that more logo changes could be coming. Moreover, Musk hinted at eliminating all bird-related elements from the brand.

Elon Musk’s fascination with the letter ‘X’ is well-known in the business. He founded in 1997, a company that later evolved into the renowned online payment platform, PayPal. Additionally, Musk’s space exploration company, SpaceX, bears the ‘X’ logo, and he recently founded an AI company named This trend indicates Musk’s belief in the power and versatility of the letter ‘X’.

Twitter’s CEO, Linda Yaccarino, tweeted about the platform’s evolving direction. While Twitter transformed how people communicate, ‘X’ aims to take it further. Twitter will become a global marketplace for concepts, products, services, and opportunities with features focused on audio, video, messaging, payment, and banking.

The shift from the iconic bird logo to ‘X’ marks a pivotal moment in Twitter’s history. Notably, Musk has previously played around with Twitter’s logo. Earlier this year, he temporarily replaced the bird logo with the popular Doge meme, generating significant buzz and adding billions to Dogecoin’s market value.

The Twitter community has been quick to embrace the new logo. Musk updated his profile picture to the ‘X’ logo, and the official @Twitter account has followed suit, changing its name and display picture to reflect the rebranding.

With the ‘X’ logo now firmly in place, Twitter embarks on a new journey toward becoming a more robust and versatile platform. Elon Musk’s vision for an “everything app” holds great promise, and users can expect exciting developments soon.

About The Author

Farukh Kitchlew

Farukh is a student of BBA at NUST, and writes about technology startups and is interested in makeup and fashion.

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