OpenAI Enhances ChatGPT with Prompts, File Uploads, and More

OpenAI Enhances ChatGPT with Prompts, File Uploads, and More

OpenAI continues to add new capabilities to its leading generative AI chatbot platform. Despite the fact users and experts argue how the performance of ChatGPT has improved over time. Logan Kilpatrick, OpenAI’s first developer advocate and developer relations specialist, announced X (previously Twitter).

He states a “huge set of ChatGPT updates are rolling out over the next week.”

Kilpatrick highlighted the following features:

  • Example prompts (already visible to the author)
  • Suggested replies to a question.
  • Follow-up questions (which Kilpatrick described as “very useful to reduce fatigue”)
  • A default GPT-4 setting so that paying ChatGPT Plus subscribers don’t have to toggle on the latest/most advanced publicly available OpenAI large language model (LLM) every time they start a new chat, and support for multiple file uploads when using the OLS.

Mixed Users Reactions:

While some applauded the new features, such as GPT-4 by default and the ability to “stay logged in” beyond the previous two weeks, others on Reddit’s OpenAI and ChatGPT subreddit communities wondered, “Is it going to stop apologizing too?” “I certainly hope so.”Some even went so far as to call the addition of example prompts “terrible for someone with ADHD,” claiming that they are distracting. However, it is still early in the implementation of the new features, and it remains to be seen which users will eventually accept and utilize the most in their workflows and which will fail to find adoption or are rejected in the long term.

chatgpt example prompt

Source: XtartupBar / ChatGPT

Translation And Speech Production Features:

The new features also coincide with reports that OpenAI has filed a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for GPT-5, the next LLM in its ongoing series and that the application includes potential features such as “the artificial production of human speech and text,” and “translation text or speech from one language to another.”

Competitive LLMs Models Need:

Large language models (LLMs) are nothing new, having been the foundation for many firms’ AI endeavors in recent years. Following OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT into the world, layperson awareness has skyrocketed, as has comprehension of the powers of LLMs and generative AI. As a result, corporate executives recognize the need for generative AI to remain competitive across industries.

Risks for Automating AI:

Automating AI indicates the possibility of ChatGPT models hallucinating and making incorrect predictions to the expanding number of potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities as more data moves across systems. These dangers can directly harm brand reputation, making organizations understandably hesitant to go all-in, despite the benefits.

“Everyone is excited about the possibility of AI for customer interactions,” Fonseca says. “But if you ask companies if they are ready to have AI automate their customer interactions, the answer will most likely be ‘not yet,’ because we still don’t fully trust the technology and know there are still some risks we need to consider as we implement an automation strategy.”

About The Author

Faryal Khan

I'm Faryal Khan. I'm a student of 3rd year DPT in a private medical college in Lahore. I write blogs, website material, captions, e-books, and product descriptions. I'm quite interested in medical writing and other related topics. In addition to being a writer, I love to assist my patients as physiotherapist and improve their lifestyle and way of living.

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