Cohere Launches Coral, an Enterprise AI Assistant

Cohere Launches Coral, an Enterprise AI Assistant

Keeping up with the AI transformation, Cohere has launched an enterprise AI assistant called Coral (beta version). Coral is a conversational bot that draws insights from enterprise data while providing citations from relevant sources. Coral is powered by Cohere’s Command model, a generative ai model that responds to instructions. 

Cohere, focused on bringing generative AI to the enterprise, has recently raised a new funding round amounting to $270 million, resulting in a company valuation of over $2 billion. The investment includes contributions from prominent names like Nvidia, Oracle, and Salesforce Ventures.

Why Coral AI Assistant for Teams?

As per a McKinsey study, employees can spend up to 20% of their time searching for information, resulting in their inability to reach maximum speed and performance efficiency. Coral solves this problem by enabling enterprises a customization feature for teams like finance, support, and sales. Coral offers seamless integration into the ecosystem across CRMs, collaboration tools, databases, and more.

How is Coral different?

Coral and ChatGPT-like assistants are conversational bots; however, the former is more task-oriented and enterprise-centric. The ability to mitigate hallucinations and provide verifiable insights sets Coral apart from its competitors. Hallucinations refer to a large language model making up false information that isn’t based on real data. Coral mitigates this by providing citations of publicly available sources and internal company data.

Colar Chat

Source: Cohere

“Coral’s knowledge augmentation capabilities will connect our solutions to additional data sources to keep LLM-powered conversations grounded [and] factual, and generate outputs that match enterprise needs in real-life use cases,” said Joe Bradley, chief scientist from LivePerson, in a press release.

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